Conveyor System Calculators
Conveyor System Calculators for Technicians, Engineers and Bulk Handling Operations.
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Select the Calculator you require from the list below:
Belt Cleaner Drag On Belt Calculator - Belt Cleaner Drag applied to Belt
Belt Cleaner Drag On Belt Calculator - Belt Cleaner Drag applied to Belt
Conveyor Belt Length (Mid Drive) - Different Pulley Diameters Calculator
Conveyor Belt Length (Pulley Drive) - Different Pulley Diameters Calculator
Conveyor Belt Length (Pulley Drive) - Same Pulley Diameters Calculator
Conversion Calculator - Feet Per Minute to Meters Per Minute & Second
Conveyor Drive Calculator - Feet Per Rotation & Feet Per MInute
Fahrenheit to Celsius
Temperature Conversion
°F → °C
Celsius to Fahrenheit
Temperature Conversion
°C → °F
Celsius to Kelvin
Temperature Conversion
°C → K
Take-Up Length Calculator
 Required Take-Up Length
Conveyor Length (ft)
Belt Elongation (%)
Take-Up Length (ft)
Belt Elongation Guideline
EP Belt - 2.25%
Rubber Belt - 1%
Textile Belt - 1.5%
For long-distance conveyors, dynamic start-up calculations may be required, because not all elements are set in motion simultaneously, due to the elastic properties of the conveyor belt.

Effective Tension
 Pull needed to move belt and load horizontally
Coefficient of Friction
Product Weight (lbs)
The Coefficient of Friction Values
Friction surface on pulley side
.30 to .35 - .10 to .15
Bare duck on pulley side
.20 to .25 - .10 to .15
Cover on pulley side
.50 to .55 - .10 to .15
Overall Belt Weight (lbs)
Effective Tension (lbs)
Slack Side Tension
 Additional tension required to prevent slippage on drive pulley
Effective Tension (lbs)
Drive Factor "K"- select from tables below
Belt Wrap on Drive
Pulley Screw Take-Up
Bare: 1.6 Lagged: 1.0
Gravity Take-Up
Bare: .84 Lagged: .50
Belt Wrap on Drive
Pulley Screw Take-Up
Bare: 1.2 Lagged: 0.6
Gravity Take-Up
Bare: .62 Lagged: .35
Belt Wrap on Drive
Pulley Screw Take-Up
Bare: 1.0 Lagged: .5
Gravity Take-Up
Bare: .54 Lagged: .30
Slack Side Tension (lbs)
Tight Side Tension
 Total tension to move belt and load horizontally
Effective Tension (lbs)
Slack Side Tension (lbs)
Tight Side Tension (lbs)
Operating Tension
 Determines the working strength of the belt to handle the job on per inch of width basis
Tight Side Tension (lbs)
 Overall Belt Width (inches)
Operating Tension (lbs)
lbs per inch of width
Conveyor Flow Rate (ft³)
 Determines the volume of material moved within one minute and one hour
Material Width on Belt (inches)
Material Height on Belt (inches)
Conveyor Speed (feet per minute)
Volume of Material (cubic feet per minute)
Volume of Material (cubic feet per hour)
Volume of Material (US Short Tons per hour)
ft³ per minute
ft³ per hour
Horsepower Required
 Slider Bed - Horizontal Conveyors
Product Weight (lbs)
Overall Belt Weight (lbs)
The Coefficient of Friction Values
Friction surface on pulley side
.30 to .35 -Â .10 to .15
Bare duck on pulley side
.20 to .25 - .10 to .15
Cover on pulley side
.50 to .55 - .10 to .15
Coefficient of Friction
Length of Conveyor between Pulley Centers (feet)
Conveyor Speed (fpm)
Horsepower (hp)Â
Horsepower Required
 Slider Bed - Inclined Conveyors
Product Weight (lbs)
Overall Belt Weight (lbs)
The Coefficient of Friction Values
Friction surface on pulley side
.30 to .35 -Â .10 to .15
Bare duck on pulley side
.20 to .25 - .10 to .15
Cover on pulley side
.50 to .55 - .10 to .15
Coefficient of Friction
Length of Conveyor between Pulley Centers (feet)
Vertical distance from Tail to Head Pulley (feet)
Conveyor Speed (fpm)
Horsepower (hp)Â
Conveyor Belt Speed
Feet Per Minute
Drive Pulley Outside Diameter (inches)
Revolutions Per Minute (rpm)
Calculated Conveyor Belt Speed (fpm)Â
Conveyor Belt Length
Same Pulley Diameters
Important: Ensure Take-Up is backed off prior to obtaining Distance between Pulley Centers measurement.
Pulley A or B Outside Diameter (inches)
Distance between Pulley Centers (inches)
Calculated Conveyor Belt Length (ft)Â
Conveyor Belt Length
Different Pulley Diameters
Important: Ensure Take-Up is backed off prior to obtaining Distance between Pulley Centers measurement.
Pulley A - Outside Diameter (inches)
Pulley B -Â Outside Diameter (inches)
Distance between Pulley Centers (inches)
Calculated Conveyor Belt Length (ft)Â
Conveyor Belt Length
Mid Drive - Gravity Take-Up
Important: Ensure Take-Up is backed off prior to obtaining Distance between Pulley C and E Centers measurement.
Pulley A - Outside Diameter (inches)
Pulley D - Outside Diameter (inches)
Pulley B - Outside Diameter (inches)
Pulley C - Outside Diameter (inches)
Distance between Pulley A & Pulley B Centers (inches)
Distance between Pulley C & Pulley E Centers (inches)
Calculated Conveyor Belt Length (ft)Â
Pulley E - Outside Diameter (inches)
Distance between Pulley D & Pulley E Centers (inches)
Rolled Conveyor Belt Mass (Weight) Calculator
Rolled Conveyor Belt Outside Diameter (inches)
Conveyor Belt Width (inches)
Calculated Conveyor Belt Mass (lbs)Â
Rolled Conveyor Belt Length Calculator
Conveyor Belt Outside Diameter (inches)
Internal Hole Diameter (inches)
Belt Thickness (inches)
Calculated Conveyor Belt Length (ft)Â

Conveyor Drive Calculator
Feet Per Rotation
Feet Per Minute
Motor Sheave (#1) Outside Diameter (inches)
Motor Output Shaft Diameter (inches)
Motor Shaft To Sheave Ratio
Motor rpm
Motor Sheave (#1) - Output Speed
Speed Reducer Sheave (#2) Outside Diameter (inches)
Velocity Ratio
Speed Reducer Sheave (#2) Output Speed
Gearbox Ratio (1 : 2 , enter the reduction e.g. 2)Â
Gearbox Output Speed (rpm)
Head Pulley Diameter (inches)
Head Pulley Diameter (feet)
Head Pulley Radius (feet)
Calculated Conveyor Speed (ft per rotation)
Calculated Conveyor Speed (ft per minute)
Breaking Strength Calculator
Belt Code
Breaking Strength Calculator
Belt Code
Conversion Calculator
Inches to Feet
Inches (In Decimals)
Feet (ft)
Conversion Calculator
Feet to Inches
Feet (In Decimals)
Inches (in)
Conversion Calculator
Imperial to Metric
Imperial Dimension (In Decimals)
Metric (mm)
Conversion Calculator
Metric to Imperial
Metric Dimension (mm)
Imperial (inches)
Conversion Calculator
Feet Per Minute to Meters Per Minute
 Meters Per Second
Feet Per Minute (FPM)
Meters Per MinuteÂ
Meters Per SecondÂ
Meters Per Minute
Meters Per Second
Bearing Deflection Calculator
Shaft mounted bearing deflection calculator
Distance Between Bearing Centers (inches)
Maximum Bearing Deflection (degrees)
Distance Bearing Can Be Adjusted (inches)
Belt Cleaner Drag On Belt Calculator
 Drag on Conveyor Belt from Belt Cleaner
Belt Cleaner Drag (lbs per inch)
Belt Cleaner Width (inches)
Belt Cleaner Drag (lbs)
Belt Elongation Guideline
Drag Calculator Variable
Flexible Blade Cleaners - 0.5 lbs
Hard Blade Cleaners - 4.0 lbs
Number of Belt Cleaners